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Hauts-de-France and Nouvelle Aquitaine become the 23rd and 24th French regions to sign the Climate Charter

Last December, the European Commission published an updated list of European regions and local authorities that have signed up to the Mission to Adapt to Climate Change Charter. 24 French regions and local authorities are now signatories to the Mission Charter.

The Mission aims to help at least 150 European regions and communities to become climate resilient by 2030. To achieve this, the Mission aims to:

  • Help all European regions and communities to better understand, prepare for and manage climate risks and opportunities;
  • Work with at least 150 regions and communities to accelerate their transformation and make them climate resilient;
  • Achieve at least 75 large-scale demonstrations of systemic transformations of climate resilience.

In total, Horizon Europe will invest €138 million in Mission-related research and innovation actions over the period 2023-2024. Research and innovation actions will focus on rebuilding areas affected by extreme weather events, restoring flood plains, vertical agriculture, prototyping approaches to insurance or creating a "fully adapted" city ready to withstand a storm or heatwave.

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