The Ecloserie Marine - Gravelines Ichtus is an aquaponics farm producing regular or organic bass fingerlings and bass larvae (hatched eggs). This aquaponics farm is the European specialist in this sector, and it ensures a strict health monitoring managed by independent laboratories, guaranteeing a high quality standard for their products.
European specialist in this sector, the Ecloserie Marine de Gravelines Ichtus has been involved for many years in the field of genetic selection, which improves the well-being and growth of fry (young fish). A high standard of quality is achieved thanks to a very strict sanitary follow-up, regularly checked by independent laboratories.
Very precise zootechnical controls and food suitability allow the percentage of malformations to be reduced, which is why the company ensures the quality of the fry in order to offer its customers a constant standard of quality and traceability.
In 2013, the Marine hatchery of Gravelines will join the Gloria Maris Group. The challenges are numerous for the Group, the French sector can once again showcase its know-how internationally.