Interprofessional Committee for Aquaculture Products (CIPA)
Professional trade unionsCIPA is the Comité Interprofessionnel des Produits de l'Aquaculture. It brings together within the same inter-profession the actors of freshwater salmon farming and marine and new French aquaculture.
Created on 16 December 1997 and officially recognised on 11 July 1998 by the Public Authorities, the CIPA is composed of 3 colleges:
– The college of producers, grouping freshwater and seawater fish farmers, represented by the FFA (French Aquaculture Federation)
– The college of food manufacturers, represented by the SPPA union (Syndicat Professionnel des Producteurs d’Aliments Aquaculoes)
– The college of processors represented by the ATT (Association of Trout Processors)
CIPA is a place for dialogue and exchange, which organizes consultations between professional families, provides stakeholders in the sector with market analysis tools, and helps to set up research programs. It also monitors consumer expectations by responding to their needs and anticipating changes in the industry in order to adapt to environmental and health regulatory constraints.